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Edo Period

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  • Very Rare Edo period wood and lacquer carving of Bunchi.

    The nun Bunchi (1619–97) was the eldest daughter of the sovereign Go-Mizunoo (1596–1680). After a brief marriage, she took the tonsure in 1640 and two years later founded the Rinzai Zen convent Enshōji, which is still active today. An accomplished calligrapher, artist, and ritualist, Bunchi made regulations the foundation of communal life at Enshōji and built a precept platform, a ritual space essential for legitimate ordination, on its grounds.
  • Edo period carved wood figure of Datsue Ba. 46cm tall

    Datsue-ba "old woman who strips clothes" is an old woman who sits at the edge of the Sanzu River in the Buddhist underworld. At the river, she has two primary duties According to Japanese Buddhist folklore, when a child dies its soul has to cross the Sanzu River. Traditionally, when a person dies, it is believed that they can cross the river at three different spots depending on how they lived their lives. Since children have not accumulated enough experiences, however, they are unable to cross. At the river's edge, the souls of deceased children are met by Datsue-ba. There, she strips the children of their clothes and instruct them to build a pile of pebbles on which they can climb to reach paradise. But before the pile reaches any significant height, the hag and underworld demons maliciously knock it down. The Buddhist bodhisattva Jizō saves these souls from having to pile stones eternally on the bank of the river by hiding them in his robe. When a soul is that of an adult, Datsue-ba forces the sinners to take off their clothes, and the old-man Keneō hangs these clothes on a riverside branch that bends to reflect the gravity of the sins. If the sinner arrives with no clothes, Datsu-ba strips them of their skin. Various levels of punishment are performed even at this early stage. For those who steal, for example, Datsueba breaks their fingers, and together with her old-man consort, she ties the head of the sinner to the sinner's fee.
  • Buddhist

    Enma is the king of Hell in Japanese-Buddhist myth, the judge of dead souls. He is the Japanese version of Yama, the king of hell found in sects of Buddhism across East Asia; Enma mostly derives from the Chinese-Buddhist Yánluó, who in turn is based on the Hindu (Vedic) god of death, also called Yama.

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