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Welcome To MuniArts

Muni Art was established ten years ago in Kyoto Japan.

With three decades of experience specialising in Japanese art, under the tutorage of Makoto Umezawa, Nikky Murat (owner of Muni Art) has accumulated an extensive knowledge of the techniques, workmanship and history of a broad spectrum of Meiji period art. 

Specialising in Satsuma ware, cloisonne, fine metal works and much more, the past decades have been used to accumulate and supply exceptional Japanese works of art to many of the worlds leading museums and private collections alike. 

As a Japan based company we exhibit at the prestigious Tokyo Prince Japantique show annually and sit on the board of directors, we also exhibit at numerous other fairs and shows throughout the year, including Kyoto Antiques show three times annually. Please refer to our calendar for show dates and locations.

Our Collections

MuniArts especializes in antique Japanese art, the rich history of Japan is contained in this master-class pieces of exquisite art. We share this amazing cultural background worldwide.

Satsuma Pieces
Metal Works
Religious Art
Wood Carving

Our Exhibitions

We participate in the biggest and more important gatherings and exhibits related to japanese art all over the world.

Japan Antiques Dealers Licence: 古物商許可証 第631171900021

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