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Kyoto Antique Fair
June 24, 2022 10:00 am - June 26, 2022 5:00 pm
In Kyoto, there are many antique markets that are regularly held using in grounds of temple , shrines, parks, and so on. It seems like for large antique markets with long histories, there are also customers who go out of their way to come from far away, as well as foreigners who visit as part of their travels. Furthermore, recently, handicraft markets and flea markets targeting youths are also popular.
Kyoto Antique Fair is one of the unique events in Kyoto, with more than 20 years of history, and is already 73th session in the spring of 2019. It is held three times a year, in spring, early summer, and autumn, and is a large-scale antique fair that is held for three days over the weekend from Friday to Sunday, so it is always bustling with many customers. It is also an indoor facility, so it is held regardless of the weather. There are more than 300 exhibitors of various genres gathered at the market, focusing on Japanese antiques but also offering Western antiques, Chinese art, and so on. Each store offers a wide variety of products, such as tableware, furniture, hanging scrolls, accessories, and kimonos, and tools that are unique due to the era and region in which they were used can also be found sometimes. Distinctive shops are lined up inside the event space, allowing a fun experience just by having a look around.
~ ご来場されるお客様へのお願い ~
【 1.以下のお客様につきましては御来場お控え頂きますようお願いいたします 】
- 悪寒や発熱(37.5℃以上)、咳、鼻水、だるさ、頭痛、味覚・嗅覚の異常、下痢、筋肉痛 ・発熱や悪寒、咳、くしゃみ、鼻水など風邪の症状
- ※感染時に重篤化する可能性の高い高齢者や持病をお持ちの方のご来場はあらかじめ慎重にご判断の上、十分注意を払ってご来場くださるようお願いします
- 新型コロナウイルス感染症陽性者との濃厚接触がある方
- 同居家族や身近な知人に感染が疑われる方がいらっしゃる方
- 過去14日以内に政府から入国制限、入国後の観察期間を必要とされている国や地域等への渡航ならびに当該在住者との濃厚接触がある方
【 2.下記の感染防止対策への御協力を頂けない場合は御入場をお断りさせて頂きますので、ご了承くださいませ 】
- 敷地内では常時マスクの着用
- 入場時(再入場も含め)にアルコール消毒
- 入口でのサーモグラフィーにて体温測定(37.5℃以上の方)
- 入場時に施設利用者名簿(新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止対策用)への御記入